Step by Step!

~ April Challenge ~

!! Winter Challenge !!

Monday, April 5, 2010

What Happened!

OK... I don't really know what happened when I stepped on the scales this morning. I didn't expect a huge loss this week. I was hoping for the 800gms to get me to 90 because then I get to go the the Gold Class cinemas.

What I got was a a 400gm gain. I stepped on the scales and looked down... WTF... it was a 800gm gain. I thought that can't be right and looked down and realised the scales weren't in the right spot! (because of course I couldn't have gained) I jumped off and moved them because I knew that had to be a mistake. Well it was a mistake... just the number, not the gain. 400gms.

I know its not much of a gain especially since I have still lost 5.6kgs in 3 weeks but I was so upset. Not because I gained, but because I gained AND I did everything I was supposed to.

I exercised 40 mins 6 days!
I drank 2L's every day!
I weighed EVERYTHING I ate at home!

The first thing I thought about when I jumped off the scales was well I did the right thing and I still gained... I might as well eat (I am pretty sure the devil had managed to climb back up onto my shoulder). Thank goodness that little angel can scream!

I sat down and looked through my tracking... no definitely added everything up properly. I am still not 100% sure what happened but I have a couple of theories.

1) The devil and angel are damn heavy
2) I had 19 sugar pts
3) I ate out a few times (all within my pts)
4) I saved 4pts and earned 4 bonus pts per day and ate them later in the week.

OK so that's more than a couple of theories. However, none of them really should make that much difference. So I am feeling a little bit annoyed with my body for not complying with my wishes to lose weight. How dear it defy me in that way! I know its easier being fat than thin but if my mind isn't that lazy and my legs are doing their part with exercise, you would think the fat could take that as a hint... Maybe it needs more of a push. So me and fat are going to sit down and have a chat.

Me - "Ok Fat you are no longer wanted... some of you can stay but for now I want the rest of you to pack you bags and wait at the station for the next train"
Fat - "But we like it here... we have friends and a home... we have been here such a long time, some of us have recently arrived and we don't want to leave, we have nowhere else to go."
Me - "Hmmm, well there wont be any more Nutella, or chips and you're going to have to move more than you want... we will be walking every day... REALLY fast!!! So what do you think about that?"
Fat - "We don't think you will... but if you keep doing it EVERY week we will have no choice but to leave... but we're going to hang around for as long as possible and make it hard for you to exercise... AND we will help that devil climb back up every time you flick him off"
Me - "Then I am going to make sure that you leave... I will show you Fat... I am the ruler of this body not you!"

God who knew fat was so hard to get rid of... making it hard for me to lose weight... maybe that's what happened today... maybe fat held its breath while I jumped on the scales to make me weigh more!! Haha

So today I have eaten my pts (but saved 4 for my busy week this week) and I did my 40mins on the treadmill. I can't say that I really felt like it but I did it anyway. Due to an injury I had to get rid of the incline and do it on a flat surface and I wasn't able to go as fast as I normally do but I managed to get into my zone on the HR monitor and stay there for 20mins, so I was pretty please with that and I was able to walk at 6.1 without holding on like I normally do with the incline.

So I hope fat is paying attention because I really want a loss next week. I have so much on this week, including hi tea at the Windsor but I am confident that I can stay within my points. When I did my food plan for the week I made allowances for everything and I have a plan for the number of points I can spend at each event so that I can try and stick within my points. If worst comes to worst I will have to spend all of Sunday on the treadmill. Although I will have to work on Sunday to get my class ready for next term. Damn holidays always go so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bek,
    I read somebody posting on the WW boards that often once you lose a fair chunk of weight your body needs to 'recalculate' or 'recalibrate'. Like it is saying, "Hang on, what is happening here? I'm just going to hold tight for awhile."

    I think you have a great attitude. Good on you for getting back on the treadmill and sticking to points. I'm going to come back and read this again when it happens to me.

    oh, some people have suggested trying to get the body restarted by eating all points one day and saving some the next. Others have suggested doing some different type of exercise.

    Perhaps you were too polite with your fat. I'd be getting the firm teacher voice out...



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